In the following paragraphs I will present an outline of
my plans for your consideration and comments. I need your inputs as soon as
possible. After I receive everybody's comments John and I will prepare a Power
Point presentation, which John will present at the September Stakeholders
Some of the ideas expressed in the following paragraphs
are preliminary and will need to be checked with David Wright of DuPont and
with Paul Catlett of Camp Blanding. I also hope that Frank can get together
with Paul to check on the invert elevation of the pipe from SW Quadrant Lake to
Blue Pond. In the meeting it was said
that the surface water intake elevation could still be lowered by possibly 2
feet. John and I need to know that information.
Here is the outline of my plan:
Short Term:
The objective of the short term plan is to get more
surface water flowing to Lake Brooklyn, so that the people can visually see
some action. The basic short term
opportunity involves the following action items: 1) lowering the intake
elevation of the SW Quadrant pipe to Blue Pond; 2) preventing seepage losses in
the Creek channels from Blue Pond to Lake Brooklyn; and 3) investigating if the
DuPont deep aquifer production wells at their plant site can be equipped and
used to pump more ground water to SW Quadrant lake.Intermediate Term:
The intermediate term objective is to have SJRWMD and Camp Blanding agree to the installation of the adjustable outfall structure (weir) on Lake Lowery.
It should be pointed out to the SJRWMD that if we will be
successful in convincing JEA to pump effluent to Camp Blanding/DuPont, this
water needs to go on a daily basis to natural and large rapid infiltration
basins which are Lake Brooklyn and Lake Geneva. At this time it would not be
prudent to run
10 million gallons per day (mgd) through Lake Lowery in
its present hydraulic condition. If it becomes a "pass through" water
body, it will be prudent to control and manage its rate of discharge with an
adjustable outfall structure.
Long Term:
The long term plan calls for the following action items
assuming that JEA will deliver up to 20 mgd: 1) create a 300 - 400 acre wetland
system on the Camp Blanding/DuPont property at the point where the effluent
discharges on the property; 2) upgrade the conveyance capacity of the natural drainage
system to SW Quadrant lake; and 3) construct an adjustable outfall structure in
the southwest corner of SW Quadrant lake to be able to discharge surface water
from SW Quadrant lake to the Santa Fe basin.
I anticipate that filling sinkholes in the channel of
Alligator Creek east can be done by volunteers. We need to use a mixture of no.
54 limerock and bentonite clay pellets. I envision a truck with this mixture to
approach these areas where a previous check-up by volunteers under the
direction of Paul Catlett has identified the sinkholes which need to be
plugged. The rock/pellet mixture need to be shoveled into the sink hole and
The lowering of the intake level of the structure on SW
Quadrant lake will require most likely the cutting of the concrete box and the
installation of an adjustable stainless steel gate.
John and I will prepare our PPT presentation. At the meeting John will present our plans and we can hand-out copies of the slides as documentation of our plans.
Please share your thoughts with us.
Peter Schreuder, P.G.Schreuder Inc
ph:(813)932-8844 fx: (813)932-2991
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