Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 22 Meeting for LAWA

We are planning a meeting of the Lake Area Water Alliance for Tuesday, May 22nd, 6:30PM at the KH Woman’s Club.  If you cannot come please send at least one representative from your organization.  We should have a lot of information to share as there will be reports from our Lake Recovery Stakeholders, Mayor Hildreth about FLOW meetings and possibly a report from Joyce King about the Audubon meeting they have planned with JEA.

To be effective, we need input from all of our organizations to move forward in our unified effort to replenish our aquifer and restore our lakes.  Also, I would also like to suggest that we discuss coordinating a clean up day of Lake Geneva with the City of KH.  It would be fantastic if all of our organizations get on board with this. While it is at a historic low would be an excellent time to clean up the garbage, and this would be a great opportunity to bring attention to our efforts as an organization, conservation initiatives, etc. 

Jackie Host, President

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